How to Sell My House Fast - 7 Tactics to Increase Your Home's Marketability and Decrease Your Time on the Market

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If you’re looking to sell your house quickly, there are a few things you need to know. Whether you’re selling for financial reasons or a personal reason, such as relocation or needing the cash to start your new job, there are tactics you can use to increase your home’s marketability and decrease your time on the market. Check out our website La Jolla real estate and get tips on how to sell your house.

Price your home competitively to attract buyers

You’ll need to set a realistic asking price when you put your house on the market. A good real estate agent will help you determine an appropriate price after conducting a thorough research of comparable homes in your neighborhood. This price should be competitive enough to attract the most serious buyers and entice them to make a strong offer.

Make your home appeal to as many buyers as possible

One way you can do this is to make sure the interior of your house is attractive. That means making the place clean and de-cluttering. You may also want to consider hiring a professional to take high-quality photos of your property.

Post your home’s listing online with a variety of features, including photos and videos. These are important to attracting interested buyers who can see the home’s potential from their computer screens.

Make your home look as attractive as possible by painting the exterior and adding flowers or shrubs to the yard. These small touches will entice buyers to walk through the front door.

Include a sense of urgency on your listing: For example, “All offers must be submitted by __DAYS!” or “Only serious offers will be considered.”

Take quality pictures of your home

Buyers are most likely to make their first impression of your home online. Having low-quality, unappealing pictures will turn them away. That’s why it’s a good idea to have your home professionally photographed by a local real estate expert before you put it on the market. Visit La Jolla condos for sale and let us help you find a buyer for your house.

Add a sign to your property

Another effective way of attracting buyers is to advertise your home on various websites and apps. For example, you can post your listing on Craigslist, Zillow, and other sites that reach thousands of homebuyers.

Be sure to include your phone number and website URL in the description so people can call you directly if they have questions about the house. You can also use the services of a virtual tour company, like Stuccco, which will produce a virtual video tour of your home.

Create a social media buzz by sharing the link to your listing on Twitter and Facebook. Ask friends and family to share your listing, and you’ll have a lot of people seeing your home.

Boost your home’s curb appeal by removing cobwebs and clutter, cleaning the front porch and landscaping, and planting flowers. A bright, clean house is more appealing to buyers, and this will also increase your chances of snagging a bidding war.

Keep in mind that a realtor’s commission is typically between 2%-4% of your home’s sale price. You may decide to save on this cost by selling your home on your own, but keep in mind that you’ll be negotiating with buyers and their agents. It's good to click on this site to learn more about the topic: